Liliana Andriani Owner, Angel Jewelers
March 15, 2023Author: Economic Development Team

In honor of Women’s History Month, we’re talking with local woman-owned businesses in San Bernardino County.

Meet Liliana Andriani, who founded Angel Jewelers in 1989. Located in Rancho Cucamonga, Angel Jewelers features the finest exquisite, handcrafted jewelry with a high regard for customer service. What sets Liliana’s work apart is a focus on building a relationship with each customer. As she says, “We listen to their stories and needs and then work to exceed expectations.”

As Liliana notes, people attach a lot of sentiment to the jewelry they wear. “We create symbols that represent important milestones in people’s lives, even sad ones. Customers share tears and stories with us. Beyond the material look of a piece of jewelry, it's the sentiment it represents,” she adds.

Liliana values being part of the community. “My daughters went to school in this city, and now I'm making wedding rings for their classmates.”

When asked about being a female business owner, she cites that women must invest time and energy into proving their skills, so it can take longer to succeed. “Jewelry is a male-dominated industry, like many others, so you have to be strong to be successful,” she adds.

Liliana is also an advocate for supporting other women in business. "It’s important to help each other and make ourselves available to mentor or refer someone.” In April, Liliana is hosting a networking event for The National Latina Business Women Association - Inland Empire Chapter (NLBWA-IE). Events such as these help her spread the message that “We can do this. It is challenging. It takes a lot of work and determination and perseverance. But we can do it. And if we support one another, it'll be easier.”

Her advice to other entrepreneurs is to consider an internship to experience what it could be like. “When we speak about entrepreneurship, it sounds like a fun adventure. But for many, it’s seven days a week if you want to make it happen, especially when you are starting your own business.”

She also works hard to maintain a sense of community. “We must get involved with other businesses and organizations in the community because that is the only way the whole community is going to grow and develop.”

To that end, Liliana is involved with the Chaffey College Foundation, San Antonio Hospital Foundation, Inland Empire Community Foundation, and the Rancho Cucamonga Chamber of Commerce. “As a small business owner for almost 33 years now, I'm thankful to have the support of our city and county. It really brings a lot of joy,” says Liliana.




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