Built For

An International Hub
Businesses in San Bernardino County have unrivaled access to lucrative consumer and business markets around the world. The region is the nation's leading logistics, warehouse, and distribution market for a multitude of Fortune 500 firms.

Just over 40 miles from 2 major seaports, San Bernardino County is at the nexus of 3 airports, 6 interstate highways, and the busiest rail corridors in the U.S.
Air Distribution
Our collection of international and logistics airports serve cargo, passenger, and private markets that provide businesses cost-effective and time-efficient alternatives to other regional business centers.

Highway Distribution
With six Federal Interstate Highways, two Federal U.S. Highways, and 18 State Highways, the regional highway system includes two of the nation’s most important goods movement corridors, Interstate 10 and Interstate 15. Our unique proximity to the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles, the ‘gateway to the Asian markets’, clearly makes us the ‘gateway to America’.

Rail Distribution
Local rail freight services are provided by Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) and Union Pacific (UP). Both BNSF and UP tracks move a significant amount of goods through the Colton Crossing, which is one of the busiest at-grade crossings in the U.S.

Passenger Rail Service
SBCTA, the county’s transportation authority, is leading the charge to a more comprehensive and technologically advanced public transportation system. The demand for transportation choices continues to grow in San Bernardino County. SBCTA partners with the five bus providers and Metrolink (commuter rail) to provide a comprehensive public transportation system that continues to grow in both ridership and infrastructure. Our cutting edge approach to public transportation can be seen in the soon-to-be-delivered, first-of-its-kind zero-emission, self-powered commuter train, known as Arrow, will be included in the regional rail network operated by Metrolink.

Together, the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles create the largest port complex in the U.S., handling about 40% of total container traffic. Ninety percent of the goods arriving at these ports are transported through our region by rail and freeway.